Proposal for Mimic Joint Actuation Constraint

  • Authors: Steve Peters<>, Aditya Pande <>
  • Status: Draft
  • SDFormat Version: 1.11+
  • libsdformat Version: 14


This proposal suggests adding a new joint actuation constraint called the Mimic constraint that enforces a linear relationship between the output position of two joint axes.

Currently, the Gearbox joint type provides equivalent functionality for three specified links along specified axis directions if the three links are also connected by two revolute joints with matching axis directions. This is an issue because it requires duplication of axis definitions, and it is nonintuitive to specify three links instead of two joints.

The Mimic constraint will simplify the definition of this constraint by specifying the joint axes to which it applies instead of links so that the joint axis information does not need to be duplicated. It will be more flexible than the Gearbox joint by allowing constraints on the output of prismatic joints and other joints with translational outputs.

Document summary

  • Syntax: description of XPath syntax used in this proposal.
  • Motivation:
  • Proposed changes:
  • Examples:


The proposal uses XPath syntax to describe elements and attributes concisely. For example, <model> tags are referred to as //model using XPath. XPath is even more concise for referring to nested tags and attributes. In the following example, <link> elements inside <model> tags are referenced as //model/link and model name attributes as //model/@name:

<model name="model_name">


Currently, a Gearbox joint is specified by the following SDFormat parameters:

  • 3 links
    • //joint/gearbox_reference_body
    • //joint/parent
    • //joint/child
  • 2 axis directions
    • //joint/axis/xyz
    • //joint/axis2/xyz
  • 1 scalar
    • //joint/gearbox_ratio

The relative rotation of the child link with respect to the gearbox_reference_body about the //joint/axis/xyz direction is defined as angle_C, and similarly for the parent link with respect to the gearbox_reference_body about the //joint/axis2/xyz direction as angle_P. The Gearbox joint creates a proportional equality constraint:

angle_C = -gearbox_ratio * angle_P

The Gearbox joint is typically used in conjunction with a pair of revolute joints with identical axes, so the axis definitions must be duplicated between the revolute joints and the gearbox joint. The Gearbox joint only constrains the rotational motion of revolute joints, so it cannot model constraints involving translational motion, such as a rack and pinion mechanism.

The proposed Mimic constraint will simplify the specification of joint output constraints by eliminating the need for redundant information. This simplification is achieved by specifying the pair of joint axes to which a Mimic constraint applies instead of specifying a group of three links, a pair of axis directions, and a separate pair of revolute joints with redundant axis information. The Mimic constraint will also be more flexible than the gearbox joints expanding the number of joint types that are supported, such as prismatic joints and other joints with translational outputs.

Proposed changes

This section defines the Mimic constraint mathematically and then explains how to specify it in an SDFormat //joint element.

Definition of Mimic constraint

A Mimic constraint encodes a linear equality constraint on the position of two joint axes. One joint axis is labelled as the leader and the other as the follower. The multiplier, offset, and reference parameters determine the linear relationship according to the equation below.

follower_position = multiplier * (leader_position - reference) + offset

The multiplier parameter represents the ratio between changes in the follower joint axis position relative to changes in the leader joint axis position.

multiplier = (follower_position - offset) / (leader_position - reference)

Note that the multiplier and offset parameters match the parameters of the URDF mimic tag if the reference parameter is 0.

New SDFormat tags: //axis/mimic and //axis2/mimic

To specify the Mimic constraint between two joint axes, an optional //mimic tag is added to the //joint/axis and //joint/axis2 elements. The //mimic tag should be added to the follower joint axis, and the leader joint axis is specified using the //mimic/@joint and //mimic/@axis attributes. The multiplier, offset, and reference parameters are specified as child elements of //mimic.

An alternative was to add a new joint type called a Mimic joint, but since URDF already supports the //joint/mimic tag (see URDF documentation and ros/robot_state_publisher#1) it would be more consistent to add a new sdf tag called <mimic> inside the //joint/axis/ tag.

Details of //mimic

When added to a //joint/axis or //joint/axis2 element, the //mimic tag causes that joint axis to be treated as the follower in a Mimic constraint. The //mimic tag must have a @joint attribute that specifies the name of a joint accessible from the current scope and may optionally specify an @axis attribute as well. The @axis attribute has a default value of axis, and its only valid values are axis and axis2. Together, the @joint and @axis attributes specify the leader joint axis for the mimic constraint. Note that the @axis attribute may only take a value of axis2 if @joint refers to a multi-axis joint. The multiplier, offset, and reference parameters are specified in the //mimic/multiplier, /mimic/offset, and /mimic/reference child elements, respectively.

<mimic joint="leader_joint_name" axis="axis">

Deprecation of gearbox joint type

Since the mimic joint provides equivalent functionality to the gearbox joint but with more flexibility and less repeated information, the gearbox joint type and the associated //joint/gearbox_reference_body and //joint/gearbox_ratio elements are deprecated.


Alternative to gearbox joint type

There is an example gearbox joint in the demo_joint_types model, consisting of three links,

        <link name="gearbox_base">
            <pose >-.49 0 0.35 0 0 0</pose>
            <!-- ... -->
        <link name="gearbox_input">
            <pose >-.38 -0.075 0.55 0 0 0</pose>
            <!-- ... -->
            <visual name="gearbox_input_visual">
                        <size>0.1 0.25 0.1</size>
        <link name="gearbox_output">
            <pose >-.3 0.0 0.55 0 1.5708 0</pose>
            <visual name="gearbox_output_visual">

two revolute joints,

        <!-- Gearbox links revolute joints, so create a couple revolute joints -->
        <joint name="gearbox_input_joint" type="revolute">
                <xyz>1 0 0</xyz>
            <pose>0 0.075 0 0 0 0</pose>
        <joint name="gearbox_output_joint" type="revolute">
                <xyz>0 0 1</xyz>
            <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>

and one gearbox joint.

        <joint name="gearbox_demo" type="gearbox">
            <!-- input axis (relative to child) -->
                <xyz>0 0 1</xyz>
            <!-- output axis (relative to child) -->
                <xyz>0 0 1</xyz>

The gearbox joint could be replaced equivalently by adding the <mimic> tag to joint axes :

        <!-- Gearbox links revolute joints, so create a couple revolute joints -->
        <joint name="gearbox_input_joint" type="revolute">
                <xyz>1 0 0</xyz>
            <pose>0 0.075 0 0 0 0</pose>
        <joint name="gearbox_output_joint" type="revolute">
                <xyz>1 0 0</xyz>
                <mimic joint="gearbox_input_joint">

Example of rack and pinion constraint

Another advantage of the Mimic constraint compared to the Gearbox joint is support for translational joints. The following example shows a rack and pinion mechanism with the translation of a prismatic "rack" joint coupled to the rotation of the revolute "pinion" joint.

<sdf version="1.10">
  <model name="mimic_rack_and_pinion">
    <link name="rack">
        <pose >0 0 -0.03 0 0 0</pose>
        <visual name="box_visual">
                    <size>0.4 0.03 0.03</size>
    <link name="pinion">
        <pose degrees='true'>0 0 0.02 90 0 0</pose>
        <visual name="cylinder_visual">
    <joint name="pinion_joint" type="revolute">
        <xyz>0 1 0</xyz>
    <joint name="rack_joint" type="prismatic">
        <xyz>1 0 0</xyz>
        <mimic joint="pinion_joint">