Download and Install SDF
sudo apt-get install libsdformat2-dev
Compiling From Source (Ubuntu)
Make sure you have removed the Ubuntu pre-compiled binaries before installing from source
sudo apt-get remove 'libsdformat*' 'sdformat*'
If you have previously installed from source, be sure you are installing to the same path location or that you have removed the previous installation from source version manually.
Install Required Dependencies
Install prerequisites. A clean Ubuntu system will need:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libtinyxml-dev libboost-all-dev cmake mercurial pkg-config
Build And Install SDFormat
Clone the repository into a directory in your home folder:
mkdir ~/sdf_source cd ~/sdf_source/ git clone
Change directory into the sdformat repository and switch to the 2.0 branch
cd sdformat git checkout sdf_2.0
Note: the default branch is the development branch where you'll find the bleeding edge code, your cloned repository should be on this branch by default but we recommend you switch to the 2.0 branch if you desire more stability
Create a build directory and go there
mkdir build cd build
Build and install
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr make -j4 sudo make install
Uninstalling Source-based Install
If you need to uninstall SDF or switch back to a debian-based install of SDF when you currently have installed SDF from source, navigate to your source code directory's build folders and run make uninstall:
cd ~/sdf_source/sdformat/build
sudo make uninstall